Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dancin' in the desert.

So my one of my new friends here in Moab left Moab today, and wanted to have a big party the night before she left. So: Dance party in the desert!


We went out to Looking Glass Rock, where they hooked up an ipod, a couple of speakers and a sub-woofer to a portable generator, and lit a big fire. It was bring your own everything. Some people brought drums and we apparently had some really great drummers there, and some others brought fire-spinning equipment and while everybody else was down around the fire, climbed up high on the rock and swung fire around really fast while the drummers played and everyone howled in pure tribal elation. It was probably the coolest party I've ever been to. It's probably the coolest party I can imagine. Rockin' out on the rock, under more stars than you have ever seen.

Most people brought sleeping bags and spent the night there. I didn't really feel like doing that so I headed out around 12:30 this morning. It was still an awesome time though. Glad I went despite the not yet healed wound from last week.

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