It's day three of my trip and the second day I've been hit with bad weather. It doesn't bother me. In fact, this is a good thing. It doesn't matter what you're talking about, things can either go perfectly to the very last detail, or you can have a great story. There's rarely anything interesting about everything falling into place and nothing unplanned for happening.
Any setback can also be a blessing with a small perspective shift. I'm stuck inside but it gives me a chance to relax and recover from the road, plan my next few days a little more completely, and re-pack my things in a more organized and manageable way.
The days that I get rained on or rained in make the other days so much better. One can hardly appreciate a clear blue sky if you've never seen anything else. You would start to take it for granted. You would never look up and see what an amazing thing it is that our atmosphere appears to have such a vibrant color. Then you would never notice the different shades that appear even on a clear day. Then you would never realize what an amazing thing it is that our atmosphere has any color at all. If you were to think about it, you might determine that it is nice having a clear blue sky, but the true beauty of it all would escape you. Opposites let us appreciate extremes.
The good and the bad are all part of any experience. If you want the experience, than have to accept the less desirable parts of it as well as the desirable ones. To do otherwise is to ruin it for yourself. If you refuse to accept the bad parts of an experience, you will find yourself letting your fear of the unexpected prevent you from doing anything. The overall experience here is a vacation. A relatively long vacation where mishaps are bound to happen. It is those very mishaps that make the good days even better, and the overall trip more interesting and exciting.
This is a great post, absolutely true :)